The ugliness of impulse politics

Newly elected House Democrats need to watch their words

Ian Feld, Staff Writer

“We’re going to impeach that m***********.”

Newly elected congresswoman Rashida Tlaib, the first Palestinian-American to be voted into office, made this comment at a reception after being sworn in, and it perfectly represents the shifting dynamic of American politics. Where once there were experienced politicians in the Oval Office and seats in Congress, there are now impulsive, combative citizens assuming important positions in government.

It’s comments like the ones offered by Tlaib that should make people wonder about the state of politics in the U.S. and whether or not the road we’re taking, where outsiders are favored for bringing new perspectives and tactics, is one that’s best for the nation as a whole. We saw it in 2016 during the presidential election: businessman and political virgin Donald Trump makes a miraculous run to the White House because he’s unafraid to take on and stand up to politics as the people know it. This whole claim to fame, being an outsider, is what caused people to vote for Trump in the first place and look past any and every flaw he had, even including that quality of inexperience.

And look where that has landed us. With a president who throws temper tantrums when he doesn’t get his way, who doesn’t understand how to run foreign policy, and who is almost single handedly running an entire country into the ground by splitting its people apart, among numerous other things.

But yet many people still don’t care about these “side effects,” as they might be sarcastically called by some guy in a MAGA hat. What his supporters desired then and now more than anything was change, and they were motivated enough to make it happen.

Now our latest influx of congressional electees includes more newbies, and it has set the stage for what will prove to be a decisive and divisive two years until the next presidential election.

The most important result of the midterms of 2018 for the Democrats was securing the House of Representatives. Without this, bold statements like the one made by Tlaib might not even have been uttered publicly in the first place. Regardless, aggressive threats like this do not paint the Democrats in a charming light, especially to those who may be undecided, potential swing votes in the upcoming election. As soon as the norm for Democrats is to retaliate to the poking by the president by firing back with childish rebuttals, they become just as politically incorrect and immature as him, and that sentiment, has not appealed to the more sensible faction of American voters.

It’s like trying to contain a fire by smothering it in gas soaked rags. What’s even the point?

Democrats need to take the moral high ground in these situations if they want to have a good shot at regaining the Oval oOfice, even if that method has seemed to fail in the past. Although they may have the power to pursue impeachment, dangling it over the heads of Republicans and their supporters makes it appear as though the reasons for impeaching are more personal than practical.

As hard as it is to admit, nobody has technically proven that Trump has done anything that would warrant removal from office, other than his complete political incompetence (think shutting down the government over a wall), though there are very strong, solid reasons to believe there’s been shady business going on behind closed doors. Unfortunately, until it’s proven, if it ever is, that Trump has run his presidency in the same shifty ways he runs his businesses, Dems cannot fuel the fire with threats of impeachment without risking their success in the future.

Trusting the process of government and holding out until it has a chance to turn over again is the best move at this time for anyone against the ugliness of impulse politics. It doesn’t mean don’t advocate for your party’s interests, but it does mean do it in the right ways. Don’t stoop to the level of the whining child; don’t tarnish your image over something as silly as riling up your supporters. After all, from what we’ve seen, change is inevitable when people are unhappy with their leaders.